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60 Portlanders die in June 2021

Below are the recommendations made by residents of Old Town and written by one-time resident, Ruth Ann Barrett, Sustainability Advocate. She is CEO of (415) 377-1835 text


These recommendations were ignored at both the committee and board levels by The Old Town Community Association (OTCA).  Each addresses the neighborhood as a heat island in different ways. 


Also included is the paper on the Caring Economy. It is important to understand there are alternatives to the economic vitality talk espoused by agencies such as Prosper Portland and the OTCA in their strategies.  Our leaders are failing citizens in their denial of the effects of Global Warming, especially at the neighborhood level and in spite of the City of Portland's Climate Action Plan and the healthy connected neighborhood strategy. 


Spongy Parking Lots, 2015, Press Release, 3BL Media

Blog, Research and Background, Spongy Parking Lots

Video, Spongy Parking Lots Overview, 2015

Three recommendations for Block 25 - Spongy Parking Lots, Wall of Memory, and Living Wall (2015) 

This Tree is Important to Me, Testimony to the Urban Forestry Commission, June, 2017

The Shade Brigade and Employee Volunteer Programs, 2017

Health and Trees: A Quick Look (May 2017)

A look back to 2018-19 on the Caring Economy with a social lens of inclusion & equity, a key to understanding the viewpoint of Portland's Caring Community. 

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