An Urban Ballpark for Dogs
A Proposal
This project is about stirring up public support and funding for a dog ballpark here in the Old Town Chinatown neighborhood of Portland, Oregon.
It started with photographing future customers - 101 dogs and their caregivers. There is a 100+ core group of committed dog park activists. We have used photos to introduce the concept to local officials, many whom have been positive about the idea.

Dogs need green grass to run free, chase balls, and play.
Why not a ballpark themed dog park in Old Town Portland?
A place where people who love dogs and baseball can enjoy both passions in the same wide open space.
The park would sport a baseball diamond shape with green grass and dugouts for dog owners and caregivers.
It would be the first of its kind.
Play catch, run the bases, and enjoy the field with Fido — in Old Town Portland.
A project of EarthSayer Ruth Ann Barrett who lived in Portland, Oregon having recently returned to California in the summer of 2023.